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Dealer Account Registration

Fields marked * are required

Company Details

(Note: if you are not VAT registered you will be charged UK VAT at 20%)

(Note: you will not be able to change your currency selection once your account has been created)

Contact Details
Invoice Address
Additional Information


This application form represents a trading contract between dealer/importer and GBRacing, in addition to our website terms and conditions.

All dealers/importers are required to purchase online at using your online account. GBRacing will adjust your agreed online discount prior to your initial purchase once your account has been set up and you have been notified that the account is ready to use.

By ticking the check box you are stating that you have read and agree to the terms of a trade account as listed below.

Your account currency can be initially setup in GBP, EUR or USD. Once you have selected your currency for the first time you will not be able to change your currency selection for the future.

- UK dealers are charged UK VAT @ 20%.
- As of 1st January 2021 all EU dealers/importers and retail customers will be exempt of UK VAT.
- All export dealers are exempt of UK VAT.
- All dealer/importer orders are subject to a two week lead time during busy periods.
- All price lists exclude shipping.

Dealers are requested not to price under the GBRacing recommended retail price, across all online sales platforms. Promotional discounts, up to a maximum of 10% off the RRP, are allowed for a promotional period and not as a permanent discount. The promotional period should be no greater than one month.

Dealers are permitted to have multiple smaller promotional periods, so long as the total promotional periods in a calendar year do not exceed one month.

All public promotional discounts should show a start and finish date.

We reserve the right to reduce discounts, without notice, if this is not strictly adhered to.

Online payments can be made with either a credit/debit card, PayPal or bank transfer on request. Manual payments to Paypal can be made to No cheque payment facilities exist.
Online exchange rates in Euro and USD will be reviewed constantly and may be changed on a quarterly basis. The GBP retail price will be reviewed and may change six monthly, but more commonly annually, during the month of December. Any exchange rate adjustment or increase in GBP will be notified by email to your dealer/importer account email address.

All dealers/importers will agree to only sell GBRacing products in their own country, as registered on their online account, unless written approval is received from GBRacing allowing to additionally sell in other countries.

A period of three months’ notice will be required from either party to terminate this contract.


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